Tobi Maier

Tobi Maier is an art critic, curator and editor. He directed the Municipal Galleries in Lisbon (2019-2022). Previously, he worked as a curator at Frankfurter Kunstverein in Frankfurt am Main (2006–2008) and at Ludlow 38 in New York (2008–2011), served as associate curator for the 30th edition of the Bienal de São Paulo (2012) and co-directed the exhibition space SOLO SHOWS in downtown São Paulo (2015 - 2018). He holds a BA (Hons) Arts Management from London South Bank University, MA Curating Contemporary Art from the Royal College of Art, London and concluded PhD research in the department of Poéticas Visuais at the Escola de Comunicações e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo. He contributes to a variety of journals including Artforum, ArtReview, Flash Art, Frieze, OEI, Texte zur Kunst and lectures frequently.
