IDUARE (old Latin) or IDES refers to the middle day of each month in the Roman calendar. Every month has an Ides, with the Ides of March being the 15th. The word I des comes from the old Latin verb, iduare, which means to divide. This day became well known as the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar, which made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history. Julius Caesar heard and ignored the warnings about the Ides of March. That day has since become associated with doomsday. Doomsday and ignoring warnings of visual signs is our theme for this trinity of books. Each is born out of brainstorming discussions between the three artists. Each book takes on a unique format, decided upon by each artist; created from a pool of photographs each had submitted for this work, expressing diverse viewpoints on the theme. What unifies each book, beyond the recurrence of images, is a spirit of creative opposition in the face of the complicated, often dangerous world we live in. Are we soothsayers? Ignore at your own peril.
Width (mm): 210
Height (mm): 298
Cover type: Soft Cover
Bind types: Japanese Stitching
Print types:
General notes: Iduare Limited edition: 11 copies + 3 A.P. Artists: Fábio Miguel Roque, Nick Tauro JR, Peter Oey Dimensions: 21x29,7 cm Pages: 58 - Double Fold Paper: Recycled Cover: Softcover Binding: Japanese Signed and Numbered